Walker Audio Proscenium Turntable: Photo Essay

For those with an interest in such things, the Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature turntable is the subject of a extended photo essay at Positive Feedback Online. Editor David Robinson took detailed photos of the turntable as it was being assembled and installed by Lloyd Walker and Fred Law at Robinson's home and he has now published those photos, with his comments, at the web site.

If you've ever wondered about what's "under the covers" of this turntable, here's the closest you can come without actually being present while one is set up. (Robinson also publishes his review of the Walker Proscenium at the end of the photo essay.)
Thanks for the link Rushton.

I have an article titled "Evolution of source," which also concludes the Walker is supreme. Link below to Positive Feedback, issue 17.


Certainly I agree with everything Dave says, its a splendid review. I'm grateful I purchased mine well before it hit the 85K price tag listed in this review, otherwise I would not have mine.
Albert, the 85K you mention is not the cost of the turntable. It's the price tag Dave listed for ALL of the components he had on hand as a complete system (phono stage, Prologue equipment rack, amp stands, Velocitors, cables, cartridge, etc. - some 13 or 14 additional components), not just the turntable. The retail price for the turntable, which includes Lloyd setting it up, is currently $32,500 - still quite material, though. :^)
True, but many items listed as accessories:

Reference Motor Controller, two Omega Mikro III DC Biased, Wave Treated, Planar Power Cords, Prologue Top Shelf, Valid Points, and such are necessary for operation of the Walker, IMO.

I don't know what the Walker phono stage sells for but the 85K apparently did not include the Magic Diamond cartridge.