Shelter and Triplanar matching ?


I have problems to match a shelter 901 with a tri planar VII.

Lot of records ( above all piano LP ) are playing tremulous and I can see the tonearm CLEARLY SHAKING on the record while playing it as if it could be a problem of resonance between the cartridge and the tonearm .

I have seen here and there that the Shelter was a LOW COMPLIANCE cartridge (I don't know the exact value).Its weight is 9,5 g.

I have choosed the maxi VTF : 2 g.

I am afraid that the TP is too light for the shelter.Its effective mass is 11 g,
Is it enough for the Shelter 901 ?

I am surprised because the Shelter 901 / Tri Planar seemed to be a combination used buy some audiophiles...without modification .

Could someone give me some help...

Thank you

HI doug

I' am wondering too !!!! ( for the damage)

Thank you for the precisions concerning the Shelter .

I'll modifie the armboard to get it higher . However , now that I am using the REGA again with no special problems of height, I confirm that the problem I described you in my first message is still audible (piano with vibrato!!) and the headshell is lightly but clearly shaking lateraly ,especially at the beginning of each side whatever the anti -skate is.

I 'll give you some news as soon as I know what will happen with the TP ( because I want absolutly a new one THIS TIME).

Thanks again, André.

PS : excuse me but I don't understand what the abbreviation QC means (I am French).
Piano with vibrato - ouch!

That should not happen with a Shelter 901 on either of these arms.

1) Does this occur on only a few records? If so, are they drilled off-center? That will produce pitch-warbling every time. The only fix is to replace them or widen the spindle holes so you can center them before clamping.

2) If the records are drilled on-center it's probably the cartridge. Try another cartridge (any cartridge) and see if the problem repeats.

QC = Quality Control: methods used to ensure that every manufactured item or business process meets specifications, within defined tolerance limits. (I don't know the equivalent term in French, but it explains why one Exocet will hit the right house while ten Scuds can't even hit the right city!)
I had not this problem with my AUDIO NOTE IQ 3 before using the shelter .
Unfortunately I cannot try it again as I have lost the screws to set it up.

A friend will lend me a DL 103 so I can do the test...

OK for QC ( good explanation!!! )

It happens (very audible ) with piano records and not during the entire side ( but almost every time at the beginning of each side) . When the sound of the note is going on after the attack it seems there is like a vibrato ( tremulous) in the sound .

I have tried a lot of different records like EMI or RCA or else.They seem well drilled but I will check it .I effectively never had the problem with extra flat DECCAS 200 g reeditions.....but I have a lot of records and they are not all Deccas 200 g

Perhaps the problem comes from records but the fact is that I did'nt hear it with the AUDIO NOTE.

I hope that increasing the quality of he cartridge is not synonimus with leaving the half of my records on the shelves !!!!


Thanks the detailed explaination and for the (R) formula, it was very helpful.

TENMUS - Tri-Planar supplies an optional "spacer" for their tone-arms. Get in contact with your dealer, maybe he'll throw one in for free!