Shelter and Triplanar matching ?


I have problems to match a shelter 901 with a tri planar VII.

Lot of records ( above all piano LP ) are playing tremulous and I can see the tonearm CLEARLY SHAKING on the record while playing it as if it could be a problem of resonance between the cartridge and the tonearm .

I have seen here and there that the Shelter was a LOW COMPLIANCE cartridge (I don't know the exact value).Its weight is 9,5 g.

I have choosed the maxi VTF : 2 g.

I am afraid that the TP is too light for the shelter.Its effective mass is 11 g,
Is it enough for the Shelter 901 ?

I am surprised because the Shelter 901 / Tri Planar seemed to be a combination used buy some audiophiles...without modification .

Could someone give me some help...

Thank you


Excellent suggestion re: the spacer. The TP website even shows them, in black or silver to match the arm. Anyone whose armboard puts the VTA tower in the top half of its range should try one.


Good description of the sound. That helps, and you just gave us three more good clues:
1) the tremolo occurs only at the beginning of sides,
2) the tremolo did not occur or was not audible with an A-N IQ-3,
3) the tremolo does not occur on 200g Decca reissues,

I have a hypothesis which explains #1 and #2. If it's correct then you should hear the tremolo with your friend's DL-103. (Make sure you set VTF to 2.2g or above, as the Denon prefers.) Let us know your results.

If my hypothesis is correct there are ways to solve the problem.

Unfortunately #3 seems to contradict my hypothesis. Do you have a 200g Decca with strong piano attacks at the very beginning of a side? If so, play that with the Shelter 901 and try to cue the stylus as close to the first music groove as possible. (I'm trying to disprove #3!) :-(


1) The Tremolo appears not only but ESPECIALLY on the beginningof the side but it may also happens at the end or even sometime in the middle of it.It seems to me that the problems comes with certain modulations and that it is amplified where the record is not PERFECTLY FLAT ( the beginning for example)

2) I 'll do the test with the Shelter/DECCA tomorrow morning.


Hi Doug

I have not found any decca 200g with stong attacks of piano or else.

I have listen during one hour to different records with the Shelter / Rega and what I can confirm is that the problem is much lighter (x 10 )with this combination( a few seconds here and there but always exactly at the same moment than with the Triplanar/ Shelter)

How is it possible? Is there a flaw in the cartridge amplified with the Triplanar ? Is it a question of bad adjustment( my fault) ?

I' ll do the trail with the DL 103 as soon as possible but if your supposition should be that the TP is DAMAGED please tell me because it will influence my attitude regarding warranty because they could propose me only to repair it and not to change it for a new one ( for the moment I am still waiting their proposition).

Thanks Doug
Hi again doug

I have listen more carefully :

For example with the NOCTURNES DE CHOPIN BY WEISSENBERG ( EMI ) , this impression of a piano with tremolo is almost always there , much much lighter than with the TP but always present above all when the note is during after the attack ( stong or not stong attack) .

I think it was important to give this precision before you answer.
