Shelter and Triplanar matching ?


I have problems to match a shelter 901 with a tri planar VII.

Lot of records ( above all piano LP ) are playing tremulous and I can see the tonearm CLEARLY SHAKING on the record while playing it as if it could be a problem of resonance between the cartridge and the tonearm .

I have seen here and there that the Shelter was a LOW COMPLIANCE cartridge (I don't know the exact value).Its weight is 9,5 g.

I have choosed the maxi VTF : 2 g.

I am afraid that the TP is too light for the shelter.Its effective mass is 11 g,
Is it enough for the Shelter 901 ?

I am surprised because the Shelter 901 / Tri Planar seemed to be a combination used buy some audiophiles...without modification .

Could someone give me some help...

Thank you

My old c-j PV11 provided 47 db, nearly identical to your Jadis, and my Bent SUT's are 1:10. That setup was fine.

Your gain control will probably be fairly sensitive, but having ample gain from the SUT keeps tube noise low. It was a good tradeoff in my system.

Do you know what could be the consequences if matching an Airy 3 SILVER version with a COPPER SUT ? or the opposite?

Dear Doug: With al my respect to you and trying to help André and to you:

- The André audio system is in the 50K range price: Verdier, JP80, JA 200, Triplanar, Shelter, etc, etc.

-The André Jadis preamp was not designed for low output cartridges , it was designed for high output ones: this is a fact.

- You are one of the regular to this forum and I think that you want to help André given him your best advise and in my opinion you are not doing that.

- You are supporting a 600.00 dls solution ( the worst/wrong one. ) for a 50K audio system and this is not fair for André and the music.

- With that " worst/wrong " solution the André audio system quality sound reproduction will belongs to that un-named " worst/wrong " solution ??????? This is a big mistake. Of course, André can take it, is up to him.

- The JP80 was designed for MM or high output MC cartridges and out there there are several great high output ones that beats easily your supporting " worst/wrong " solution.

- MM from Ortofon, Music Maker, Rega, Goldring, Grado, Audio Technica, Sumiko, Clearaudio, Roksan, Reson, etc, etc. and high output MC from: Sumiko ( the Blackbird is a champ ), Clearaudio, Allaerts, etc, etc.

André, if you really like/love music ( and want to hear in all " glory " your Jadis electronics instead of one additional transformer: step-up transformer ) and take care about music my advise is that you could think for a moment in the MM/HO MC option that is not only the best quality sound reproduction solution but less expensive that Doug alternative. As I told you: is up to you and your music priorities.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Dear Raul

I have already tried this solution with my audionote MM IQ3 wich is the top MM cartridge at Audionote

Of course when my cartridge was worned and before beginning all this thread I had thought to go on either with HOMC or with a better MM cartridge wich could avoid me this problem of searching the good headamp or the right SUT;
I plug the wire of my tonearm in the jadis and that's all: SIMPLE

Two friends much more experimented than me have also the same jadis equipment ( MODIFIED ) with much better sources ( Goldmund ref + T3F +koetsus or shelter90X) and great loudspeakers and the result is great .
Of course they both use an head amp personnaly made for them by the first ingeneer from JADIS .

Most of the people who choose a Jadis JP80 Choose the MC version because they say it is the only one to choose and they add an head amp or a SUT.
Are they all wrong ?

It seems now there are two solutions in your opinion :

1) I keep my Jadis MC and I choose a MM or a HOMC cartridge
2) Change my preamp

The first one could effectively at least be tried but precisely with wich cartridge.

The second one is unconceivable for me today because it is a too much heavy change for me and because I think I still have a huge progression in front of me even with the jadis .

Of course Raul I really appreciate your effort to drive me in the good direction and I can't contest or approve your opinion as I have no references enough to do it .
Dear André: +++++ " Are they all wrong ? " +++++

This is one of my posts about:

+++++ " Dear friends: I'm not against the SUT " per se ", I'm against what the SUT makes to the cartridge signal: heavy degradation.

I like many of you used the SUT for many years till I discovery that the best SUT is NO SUT. I already try severals SUT's and all of them do a severe degradation to the cartridge signal.

Maybe some of you can think that an Audio NOte Kondo or Expressive Technologies SUT's don't have any problem: wrong, all SUT's have the same problems and all of them degraded the cartridge signal.

We have to understand that the low output MC cartridges was not build " thinking " in a low gain phonopreamps ( tube or SS ). The low gain phonopreamps like yours is only for CD, high output MC and MM cartridges ( btw: Music Maker, Sumiko and Audio Technica have great cartridges too ).
Tha's why I can tell you that if you have a low gain phono stage with a low output MC cartridge: you choose the wrong cartridge to go. For any one can enjoy and discover ( really enjoy ) the " magic " quality sound reproduction of a low output MC cartridge any one needs a high-gain phono preamp, with out any PATCH ( external/internal SUT/Autoformer. With out any mis-match between cartridge impedance and SUT that equalized the cartridge signal, always. ) ) no question about.

When you are using a low output MC cartridge with a low gain phono preamp it is like if you want to scale the Everest in a Ferrari Testa Rosa or like you want to swim in the sea dressed with a Tuxedo instead of a swimwear. Sure you can to swim dressed on a Tuxedo but: Imagine that!!! That's what you have on your audio system, it does not matters if your audio systems cost 10K or 500K. " +++++

Are they all wrong?, no, simple: they choose the wrong cartridge to go or the wrong phonopreamp for that cartridge. That's all. Is simple as that.

André there are a misconception and no-know how about and this is the problem why the people take the wrong " road ".

Regards and enjoy the music.