The listening constraints have been lifted

I don't know about anyone else, but living in a busy house of five (3 teen agers) along with all the associated sports and school activities, I find precious few times that I can turn up my rig to the levels I like to. Today my wife and girls are at a wedding shower, my son is at work, I'm home alone! I just threw in some Keb' Mo' and turned it up so I can enjoy it throughout the house. Sure there is yardwork to be done and cars to clean (not to mention the honey-do-list). Now, I enjoy my family immensely, however, it's "me-time" and the listening constraints have been lifted, I'm a happy man!

Anyone else live with "listening constraints"?
I have a four year old son and some times, he likes to sit and listen with me. If you had only trained you children to enjoy the same hobby as you when they were younger. My son and I will sit and listen for enjoyment, but I do have the same constraint when I need to do a critical listening session. I am however fortunate enough that my listening room is on the back side of the house, so I can listen at a pretty reasonable level after my son goes to bed. I don't have to worry about my wife, after the little one goes to bed, she usually reads at night before we go to bed.
I know to turn my music down when my wife pulls into the driveway. While this can be quite annoying we must all remember that annoying music...that which we hate....has the same effect on those who can't stand loud music in the home. So, even though my wife and I do enjoy the same music, my playing it loud becomes just as hard on her as if it was me having to listen to the kind of music I can only tolerate.

Still, when I driving home and I am in the mood for some really good music, I must admit that this is the only time I am anxious to see if my wife is not home.......
Do you guys know how people talk about how their amplifier makes their speakers "sing"... it only happens at certain levels. I was first thrilled that I didn't have to attend the shower with my wife and girls!!! Then, my son had to work, I was pumped. I followed Keb' Mo' with some Muddy Waters... My speakers were singing!
Yep - finding time is the biggie for me. I read about reviewers listening to several CD's at a sitting with envy. I usually will only be able to get one record or cd in at a time, sometimes only half. If I'm lucky I can turn it up, but often time I just enjoy it low - med volumes. So.... like davetherave I got a backup system and it's headphones.

Family absolutely comes first, but if you rob yourself of your enjoyments (audio-music) you will become bitter and take it out on them.

Like my spin ;)

Great Post,

Yes, it is quite true that a system can only....sing(?) the optimal volumn.

Alas, I doubt I will be trying to explain this to my 'other half'.....Then again,

"Dear, it is a scientifically proven fact that music sounds best at the optimal volumn".....hummmmmmmm.

Sheeeee-it, well im might be worth a try. Problem is, her hearing is better than mine, alas......