Hi Tenmus.
I finished setting up my Triplainer-Shelter 90X a few weeks ago. The first thing I played was Swan Lake. The arm shook so badly that I ceased playing the table The next day a call to Tri Plainer resulted in the suggestion that I back the damping screw all the way out of the damping trough.When that didn't work I just stopped playing records, until today. Of course, nothing changed over the last few weeks and the same thing happened.
A light bulb went on and, Audiogon forums to the rescue. Lo and behold I found your forum posting of the same problem I experienced. The replies were enlightening.
I have only one question that might have been answered, maybe I missed it. If increasing the mass of the arm was accomplished by putting the heaviest weight, the only one with the chamfer, all the way up to the pivot point of the arm I assume that the chamfer was pointing to the rear of the arm. Would you please confirm this.
I am posting this reply to your forum topic as well as emailing you a copy, as it has been awhile since there's been activity on that site. I am anxious to hear how good this set up sounds.
I was unable to access your system on Audiogon, maybe I just didn't look in the right place. If you have a system description on Audiogon, please point me in the right direction. Regards, Ken Kftool