Which version of the DL-103 was tested? I was interested in the DL-130D. Also, is there a way to measure empirically the effictive mass of a tonearm, or must we trust the published specfications? For example, after a tonearm wire upgrade, it seems reasonable to think that the effective mass would change, and it would be nice to verify it. I just got finished reading the VDH treatise and got interested in this formula from a theoretical interest, but I appreciate your candor about whether or not it is all that useful.
Which version of the DL-103 was tested? I was interested in the DL-130D. Also, is there a way to measure empirically the effictive mass of a tonearm, or must we trust the published specfications? For example, after a tonearm wire upgrade, it seems reasonable to think that the effective mass would change, and it would be nice to verify it. I just got finished reading the VDH treatise and got interested in this formula from a theoretical interest, but I appreciate your candor about whether or not it is all that useful.