I don't know where else to post this...so,

Anyone know where to find an attractive (or coll looking) little light for above me turntable. I listen in the dark and have to get up and run around like an idiot every time I change a record. I'm looking for something smallish, halogen (maybe)????

any ideas?
Check your local stereo shop. I know that mine carries a light for just such an occasion. If you have no shop near you, try a pro audio store (guitar center), or website. I know that I used those types of lights the most in pro audio situations.
what i use. very cool, very expensive.

I second the Littlite. They've been in use all over the world for at least three decades now, because they put light just where you want it without destroying the "mood" And if you want more mood, you can even get colored filters for them ;~))