Schroeder model 2 or Morch DP6?

Has anyone out there listened to both of these tonearms? Or even better, have you listened to them in the same system? Dougdeacon, if you are out there, I am betting you have heard them both in your "shootout". I am interested in the sonic differences in the 2 arms. I know the Schroeder 2 sells for about $2200-$2300 new, but how much does the DP6 sell for new?
The Teres Audio site lists the DP-6 w/ 9" arm at ~$1,500 and ~$1,700 w/ the 12" wand. So, that's a significant price differently between your choices - not exactly apples to apples, if you know what I mean.

Unfortunately, I've never heard a either choice. Hope to soon, thou. Good luck, I'm sure some of the vinyl wizards around here have expereience with them.
Hi Slowhand,

Excellent question. Unfortunately, our shootouts at Cello's have never included a Morch. I'm sorry to say I've never heard one.

The one person I know who has compared them on the same rig is Chris Brady (Teres). He commented briefly on the DP-6 and the Schroeders on the Basis Vector thread that's running currently. I know he thinks well of the top Danish arm, especially at its price point.
Dear Slowhand: +++++ " I am interested in the sonic differences in the 2 arms. " +++++

Those differences depend with which cartridges mates the tonearms, wich TT, with which kind of arm-board ( material ) and of course the musical bias of the person that do the evaluation.

Both tonearms are good ones but the DP-6 has an additional plus: it can handle different effective mass arm wands, this means that it works at its best with almost any cartridge. It is a very well thinking and executed design: Recomended!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for the responses guys. I am now using a VPI mk4 TT with JMW10 arm and a ZYX Yatra cartridge. I would like to someday go to another TT, but not sure when that will happen.