Anyone using the Clear Audio Virtuoso Wood?

Anyone used a really high end moving magnet? I hear they can be compressed or mushy even with the extra fine cut of the needle and well-made magnets. I also hear MM's are overall better rockers. My experience is all my selections, listed below, are pretty good, but I would really like a contrarian point of view, e.g. not just the normal, "All moving coils are better than moving magnets," line. I agree, in theory, but in the real world I wonder if it always works that way.

The carts I have in mind are all about $800.: the Shelter 501 (an MC), the Dynavector XX-2 (an MC) (purchased from the gray market at $800.), Lyra Argo or Dorian (again MC's) or the Clear Audio Virtuoso (a MM). My system has pretty good microdynamics, but they could be better; maybe 5 out of 10. The macrodynamics are more like 7 out of 10. All subjective of course.

My system consists of Cary and a Spacedeck with a '70's Kenwood phonostage. I listen to mainly rock and jazz, with some other stuff mixed in. Seems something more analytical might be good, like the Lyra or Clear Audio, as most of the equipment produces a well defined soundstage with a little bit of romance.

My question is: I want a cart that if it gets broken, I'm not going to feel ripped off if I have a cat jump up, or I accidentally knock it, or there's an earthquake. Two of these cart's have no rebuild/replace policy (Shelter and Dyna), two do (Clear Audio and Lyra).

Positive or negative words on any of the above? Anybody got two arms you go back and forth with?

I really liked the Clearaudio, esp. with jazz recordings. That was with a Michell Gyro/SME 309. I also had a Goldring Elite and VDH MC 10 at the time and the Clearaudio was the best of the bunch, resolving of low level detail, well integrated, dynamic to my ear, maybe a little soft at the top. Have since owned a VDH Frog and Benz L2 but with entirely different systems. None of the other cartridges made the recordings "swing" quite like the CA. I've heard the Dyna's at a local dealer and they never did anything for me, but perhaps it was the rest of the system or I just have a different "ear" than others.

I was sucked into buying a Virtuoso Wood after reading the Stereophile review when I bought my Scout ( incidently feeding an ARC SP16 preamp). Lived with a dry sound with limited bottom end for years until I moved and accidently snagged the cantilever when setting up my TT in my new house. Bought a Dynavector 20x2h to replace it and was blown away...great bass, exciting presentation and true wonder at what I had been missing!

So maybe system dependence here, but I learned starting on the front end of your system is the most important place to upgrade...and the cartridge and TT is where it all starts.