MC transformers - what do they sound like?

Besides providing gain, are good quality MC transformers transparent to the signal they are providing the gain to. Or do they give added/reduced bass weight, more high end sparkle, added grain or what?.
This is obviously compared to active gain
It seems that audiophiles either luv or hate MC transformers?.
Dear Doug: Maybe you are right: it is out of place and no I'm not mis-stated your SUT position: " if you want an active gain phono stage that outperform any SUT you have to pay the price $$ ".

Regards and enjoy the music.
" if you want an active gain phono stage that outperform any SUT you have to pay the price $$ ".
Agreed. Not easy to find or cheap, but worth doing if you can.

Raul- since you use a custom preamp I have no way to verify your results. How much gain does your preamp have? Have you plotted a distortion versus gain curve for your preamp? Have you plotted a noise versus gain curve? I would be interested in the results.
Sorry Raul I chekced your system description that gives 85db of gain and a signal to noise ratio of 82db. Is that across the bandwidth?
Dear Gregadd: Yes, across the bandwidth. Btw, We do some changes on our phonopreamp design/parts and now we have the " final " one I will write the update info about. Stay tunned.

Regards and enjoy the music.