MC transformers - what do they sound like?

Besides providing gain, are good quality MC transformers transparent to the signal they are providing the gain to. Or do they give added/reduced bass weight, more high end sparkle, added grain or what?.
This is obviously compared to active gain
It seems that audiophiles either luv or hate MC transformers?.
Dear Shane: I have a great respect for Tim De Paravancini and for their products but here the issue is not on the name of the designer or the design it self ( SS or tubes ): the issue is that any ( good design ) high gain phonopreamp that use SUTs for achieve that high gain with low noise do more harm to the quality signal that comes from the cartridge that a high gain phonopreamp ( good design ) that don't use SUTs ( active gain designs ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Shane: I forgot. About that guy on TNT I can tell you ( with all respect )that he has many misconceptions about SUTs and high gain phonopreamps, I almost can tell you that he does not has experience on HG PP designs. The Accuphase that he named means nothing, but take a look to the pictures of those SUTs ( where he is " very experienced " ) and look for those kind/quality of the wires and the kind of RCA connectors that he is using: Incredible!!!!!

+++++ " . Bass lines are muddy then and drum players seem to play like if they are drunk. " +++++

This statement confirm what I think: that he has very little experience about!!!

Do you trust in his opinion?

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul says,
This is what is all about. If we can grow up in our audio hobby then we are on the " right road ". Don't you think?
My answer is, No, that's not what it is all about. If growing up means becoming as dogmatic and narrow-minded as you are regarding this issue, then I don't want to grow up. One thing I truly love about this hobby is that there is no single "right" road. There seems to be multiple solutions for any problem with each solution having its own sets of pros/cons.

I may actually agree with you regarding transformers. It's not a particularly elegant design solution. But that dosen't mean I reject there use as a MC step up device. In some situations they are a great solution. As way of an analogy, push rod activated camshafts is primitive when compared to chain driven overhead designs, but it is still possible to produce outstanding engines using the the primitive design element. The talent of the designer can triumph over the technology. And that's not a fact, but simply my opinion.
Raul. I would not trust his wide ranging opinion that transformers are the only way to load a MC cartridge. Just the same I won't believe you that all SUT's are bad.

I think as a few of the guys in the thread here have stated - it all depends on the design, the listener's musical preference and current tonal qualities of his system and budget.

My mind is open on both sides of the fence and from what I have heard both are legitimate choices someone can make for their own musical enjoyment.

cheers Shane
Dear Gregm: +++++ " . But let's face it: as Gregadd seems to imply, a good tranny, while expensive, is nowhere near the cost and rarerity of an outstanding fully active 80-100db riaa. " +++++

Well, a Manley Steelhead or a Lamm one are not inexpensive units: both use SUTs and , here, you have to pay for it. Yes, a good Phonopreamp with out SUTs is more expensive.

+++++ " If what Raul is to make sense, he is using a very well stabilised active circuit and he's using his components in their optimum operating region. That's difficult and painstaking to design and implement ... " ++++

Absolutely, that's why is so expensive and it is not only a money issue it is deep knowledge about.

We love music and we love to care about its home reproduction. We love to have almost perfect targets about and we love and take the hard challenge: it is exaiting, fun and extremly emotive/emotional experiences about.

Regards and enjoy the music.