new to phono.. Can I hook one up to my preamp?

Hello Guys,

I am new to the analog world of records and I have a quick question. I am currently running a Krell KAV-250p preamp that does not have a designated "phono input" on the back. It is equipped with RCA jacks and XLR inputs. If I buy a nice turn table can I use this preamp with it? Does the preamp have to have a designated phono input?

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Hey Marty,

Is there an easy way to add a stand alone phono preamp to my system or does it just make more since to get a new preamp with a phono section. ( I am not even sure if they make units like this that stand alone.)

Dear Madison: I think that you can get from Krell the phono card for your preamp. Ask them directly I'm sure they can help you about.

Regards and enjoy the music.

You can add a phono pre amp to your existing pre amp. You'll be hooking in to another source selection that isn't being used like tape, aux, CD, ect. You can buy a really good phono pre like a Lehmann Black Cube and keep your existing pre amp. You could go the other route and get a pre amp with a built in phono stage but you'll spend more money and poosibly not end up with something as good as the Black Cube. I run a cube through my existing pre amp that already has a phono stage. But the Black Cube is superior to my built in unit. Another thing that's important is the proper loading of the pre amp to the cartridge. If I can help ....... just ask!