Are you upgrading because of the tonearm wire or just wanting to do so? I once rewired a Poject arm on a MMF 7 I owned and it wasn't that difficult and the results were great.
I agree with the others, buying used is the most bang for the buck. Most important thing to watch for with used tables is does the seller still have all of the original packaging.
There are a couple of used Basis tables with Rega tonearms for sale on A'gon that would fit your budget and give you excellant playback. Don't know the sellers but I've owned a few Basis tables in the past and they are solid performers.
I agree with the others, buying used is the most bang for the buck. Most important thing to watch for with used tables is does the seller still have all of the original packaging.
There are a couple of used Basis tables with Rega tonearms for sale on A'gon that would fit your budget and give you excellant playback. Don't know the sellers but I've owned a few Basis tables in the past and they are solid performers.