What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc...

I need/want a new cartridge to go into my SME Model 20A record player. I currently have a four year old next month Lyra Helikon. Not a bad cart but fancy a change. What are the views of fellow audiophiles??
Which carts work well with my record player, I've heard that Lyra and Dyno's work well, any others???

Front end: SME Model 20A/Lyra Helikon/Ayre phono cable XLR/Symposium Ultra Platform
Sony SCD-555es with VSE level 5 mods Balanced
Preamp: Ayre Acoustics K1-xe with phono boards
Speakers: ATC active 20 towers
Cables by Clearer audio
Rack Finite elemente pagode° Signature

SirSpeedy, I think "over the top" is a bit of an understatement in my case. I mean, here I am talking about scales and cartridges to use with my two tonearms. I don't even own a table right now! Obsessive, compulsive would be closer to my character flaws. :)
One final thought---Do we really think we deserve a fifteen dollar digital guage(the actual cost of the Jensen/ Digi-One) for measuring cartridges that cost thousands?To me,and I did invest in a cheapo,I need to feel more confident in something of this type's true accuracy!!No I won't check it too frequently,but when I do I'll like to have a "real" reading.

Also,though this may seem overt,my arm needs a subtle revoicing of a combination of vta/damping fluid and downforce,to maximize performance.Even a couple of hundredths of a gm,in downforce requires a touch of fluid and vta,to be right.Maybe just the weakness in the arm,but real!!
Speedy, I think your point is very well made. If money weren't an issue for me, I'd buy a Winds in a minute and not give it a second thought. And if I were lucky (like you are) to be surrounded by enough like-minded audiofolks to do a "group purchase" that would be even better (for an item used infrequently by any one person.) But I live in a desert, both physically, and in a lot of other ways, so I have to make certain decisions based on fiscal prudence.

However, I can achieve the same results (accuracy) as anyone else, with a device that costs less than a tenth of the one I'd like to have, so long as I'm willing to spend an extra few minutes calibrating and checking batteries.

Price isn't always the issue either -- wasn't it you who was so critical of the reliability of the (not inexpensive) Cartridge Man unit?
Nsgarsh,when the Cartridge Man was available to me,I knew nothing about the "guage" thing.I don't even think digital guages existed back then(other than the C.M.).At that time I was using some kind of see-saw gadget.Actually I only made comments questioning the actual ergonomic plausability of the Cartridge Man.The only reason I'm SO sold on the Winds(believe me,I'm not pitching it,to anyone,and Bob's comments are actually dead on)is because we used it over a few listening sessions,at my friend Ed's place.He had just gotten the Venustas,as you know,and my friend Sid brought it over.Since I did all set-ups,over about an 8 hour period each time,it became clear to me that this was a fabulous product.In honesty,all my audio bud's are sort of split over the value of spending so much on a guage.Some have,and love the Technics analog guage.A classic.

In my case,I have not needed to spend much money on my system lately(don't even ask about the past,though),so the Winds seems a good investment.Though NOT mandatory,to an advanced hobbyist,like you and some others!