The folks who advise you that it's all about execution are right on the money with their advice. In no way have I discounted the concept of AC motors for example - even though all of our current offerings employ battery powered, DC drive systems.
Regarding DC noise - I'm not certain what the poster is talking about. Yes, if you get within a foot of the motor pod, you will hear a bit of "whirring" sound. If this sort of thing makes you lose sleep at night, than I suggest that you to listen do CD's.
Perhaps the poster is experiencing more noise than what we experience here at Galibier. Sometimes, with rigid drive belts, a user can misalign the belt slightly and put some ripples on the belt's edge. This will increase the noise a bit, but can be resolved for about a penny with a new belt.
As far as torque is concerned - one can have high torque AC as well as DC designs. Similarly both AC and DC motors can be designed for low torque.
As far as the design of a turntable's drive system is concerned, torque is one of those parameters which needs to be optimized in the context of platter mass, drive system (belt) compliance, and bearing oil viscosity. Too much or too little torque will sound "off the mark" in one way or another.
This concept of optimum damping is very similar to power supply design in electronics, and damping alignments in boxed speaker design. If you over filter a power supply, or have too damped a speaker alignment, your system will sound lifeless. The opposite is also true - too little damping and the system will sound too "zingy".
As far as keeping a battery powered motor drive system charged and ready, a weekly charge is more than sufficient. Dmailer has a ritual which works for him, and if he went to a weekly charge regimen, he might end up like me and forget to charge his battery for a month at a time. I'm really quite bad about this - knowing how much capacity these batteries have, I push the limit to the point of forgetting. My customers have this figured out a whole lot better than I do (grin).
Thom @ Galibier