I started years ago with a Benz MC-Gold, and have worked through the Glider, H2O, Ruby 2 and now the LP for the past 3 years. My system has the exact same phono stage ( Io Signature with volume controls and 2 power supplies ). My table (Avid) has the SME IV arm.
The step from the Ruby 2 to the LP is a quantum leap. And this is based on the LP from 3 years ago. Benz keeps improving it. If you want more info, call Garth at Musical Surroundings. They have stepped up the output voltage a little and changed some of the internal parts, yet kept the price the same.
One nice thing about Benz is that factory retip is reasonably priced. Often, you just simply wind up with a new cartridge and the old one is cycled back through. As you know, it is less expensive to stay within the Benz line for an upgrade than to switch brands.
The LP is very lyrical, harmonically rich and has deep, taut bass. The timbres are very natural - transparent and revealing. I love the sound of the Benz. Have not tried a Koetsu, my friends that have them love them and they also like the sound of my analog playback. The LP tracks well and is perfectly mated to the SME arm. Vocals are really well rendered, soloists and massed chorus alike. I listen to lots of classical and some jazz, most of it recorded in a hall with minimal microphones (ie not studio recordings). The LP really lends itself to conveying the ambience and warmth of acoustically recorded music.
One thing I did find was that I had to get a really well shielded DIN-RCA tonearm cable. I tried the Hovland, Graham, Harmonic Tech and Music Metre and settled on the Nordost Quattro Fil (just upgraded to Nordost Frey).
Good luck on your search.