I was planning to upgrade from my Scoutmaster table to the
Super Scoutmaster. But after looking at the VPI website I noticed that they are coming out with a Aries 3 to replace the Aries 2. Is the Aries 3 a better bet than the Super Scoutmaster. Any thoughts would be appreciated. In short does the Aries 3 offer any sonic advantages over a SuperScoutmaster. It seems that the Aries 3 can also have the outer ring clamsp added as well as the sds. as options, just like the Scoutmaster. The Aries does use the 10.5 Arm vs. the 9 inch arm of the Scoutmaster.
Does the 10.5 arm sound better than the 9 inch arm?
Any input owuld be appreciated..
VPI staff does favor JMW-9 over all other arms they make because it's more rigidly coupled to base and arm tube is more rigid as well. And that's the reason they spend more time and effort on improving the JMW-9 instead of their longer arms. Not my opinion, just stating what they told me over the phone.

Don't forget the JMW-9 Signature option. Short arm has its advantage, think SME V or IV.Vi. SME used to make long arms like 3012, but when they introduced the new generation arm (309, IV, V), they kept IV & V short.
Actually, SME is introducing a new 12" arm, the SME 312S. See excerpt from Stereophile newsletter:

But the allure of a 12" arm was too strong to deter Robertson-Aikman. He extended the magnesium barrel of an SME Series V arm to 12", along with careful sleeving, superb pressure fitting, the right touch of adhesive, and that inimitable SME finish. The result is the SME Model 312S, which probably has the lowest mass of any 12" arm ever made. It can be used with cartridges in the normal weight range of 6-15gm, and with compliances not deemed too low or too high by most makers.

In a word....yes.

Call Sheila Weisfield or Email factory for upgrade pricing.
