Ideas for a cartridge for a Breuer 8A tonearm

My tastes are jazz, female vocals, guitar ( acoustic ), some new age, not much
classical. My system is a Spectral amp and preamp with MIT cables.
The Breuer is on a Linn with the Boston Acoustic graphite mat ( BTW it is
great in the Linn ) . Speakers are Meadowlark Blue Herron.
You will need to special order the VdH for it to work on the Breuer. The Headshell fins will otherwise be in the way. You can order the light weight version the XCP or similar.

IIRC, the newest Breuer (8A) has a reshaped headshell that accommodates more cartridges. I belive those pesky fins are no longer in the way.

Thanks Doug,

Now I am tempted. I have room for one more arm. Anyplace to see a photo? I am thinking between the Triplanar Mk 8 & the Breuer then.
For those unaware,the "Audiocraft" is another apparently stunning arm,that will probably be a possible contender to those looking at,and liking the Breuer!It was reviewed,along with the Platine Verdier table a couple of years ago,in Hi-Fi Plus.The reviewer absolutely gave two thumbs up!!You can probably find it on some archives.

Hi Dgad

Didn't know there is now a MK 8 for the Tri-planar. Do you know what improvements have been made over the MK VII.
