Ideal TT & Arm for the following top cartridges...

Koetsu RS Platinum
Van Den Hul Colibri XGW
Miyabi/47 Labs
Allaerts MC2 Finish

So the search is on. I agree with a colleague's comment that although it is convenient for AB'ing cartridges, my VPI extended Aries (ver. 1, no flywheel, no SDS) with a 12.6 bearing assembly and JMW 12.5 and two 12.6 armwands does not fully show the potential of these cartridges. Certainly I can upgrade to the Aries 3 and add the flywheel and SDS or step up to the TNT line, but considering the performance level of these cartirdges, I do not want to overlook something else.

The Allaerts is enroute so I cannot comment on it yet. But I really like the RSP and Miyabi (the RSP being more refined overall) vs. the VDH for now. It could be a loading issue (now at 250 Ohms) but the VDH, although fast, transparent, detailed and dimensional, it is also lean and uninvolving (I hear the VDH platinum option can address this).

So I would appreciate your recommendations on a TT and Arm combo in the $5k-10k range as used/demo demo pieces that are capable of showcasing the performance potential of these fine cartridges. Feel free to make a single recommendation (arm or TT only) or synergistic combination.

The rest of the system includes the Ear 88pb phono stage, a modded Electron Images MCP-1 and trying a friend's Whest PS 2.0 for kicks (a Wavestream Kinetics phonostage is coming), Bent TX103 step up as needed, First Sound Paramount Mk II pre, Dehavilland Aries 845G monoblocks (NOS tubed), highly modded Coincident Milleniums.

TIA & best regards!
Dear Jeff: Direct coupled. Between others: Boulder, Ayre, Fm Acoustics, Rowland, etc, etc.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Sirspeedy: Unfortunatelly all is in the " way " that you post.

I think that we are putting the " finger where it hurts " and maybe it is time to make a " stop " in our system race and try to " understand " the PHONOPREAMP " figure/real importance.
A few years ago I I was interested in to have a better phonopreamp but today I already learn that the Phonopreamp is the brain/hearth of the analog system, its importance is unique and unfortunatelly for many of us its validity is a misconception/misunderstood and no know how about.

Well, in my humble opinion ( right Neil ) we have to take a very serious look to the phonopreamp " figure " in the quality music sound reproduction and that with out the right phonopreamp all what we do in the audio chain before it is a waist of time and money.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Norm: +++++ " Boy was I floored when a capacitor change (at $18 to $35 each) impacted the sonic signature significantly more than an IC, PC and tube change. " +++++

This statement tell you what you are really hearing: to that capacitor not the " real quality sound reproduction of what your cartridge has ". Think " a little " about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Vetterone - Thanks for chiming in. No doubt about the quality of the Brinkman and if their tt comes up for sale with a quality arm in the $5-10k range I will certainly give it serious consideration. As mentioned in a previous post, we uninanmously preferred the Graham Phantom/Shelter 90x vs. Brinkman's arm/cartridge and both were mounted on a LaGrange. We will soon revisit this and keep the cartridge the same to get a better sense of the the Phanton vs. Brinkman sound.

Nice to know you have good experience using the TP arm with the Dynavector and the Zyx. I have not heard the XV-1s and look forward to the opportunity when it presents itself. Thanks to a fellow local audio club member, I have heard the UNIverse in my system and it is a remarkable cartridge. It was impressive relative to the Colibri and KRSP. It did not have the speed and resolution and dynamics of the Colibri and leaned more toward the sonic signature of the KRSP, but with a little more refined transparency and focussed dimensionality; smooth and musical overall. It was so impressive that I seriously considered it relative to the MC2 Finish at nearly the same pricepoint. However, because IMHO I felt my KRSP's performance was close enough to that of the UNIverse, I decided on trying the Allearts.
Raul,I think you may have missed my point.Nobody,at this hobby, for any real length of time,will dispute the significance of the phonostage.That being said,the beginning of this particular thread clearly asks about arm/table/cartridge matching.That seems to be where this particular poster wants to spend his money.
My contention is (and I completely agree with you about the phonostage)that anyone in the "emotional" buying stage,for the arm/table/cart is concerned with those choices,and usually(most often)does not want to start analyzing a different "playback" concern,like another "box",in the fashion of the phonostage.
It is here where a close association with a good dealer would normally come into play,yet today the vast majority of purchases are made on the "net"(nothing wrong there,btw),so that "personal involvement in the system",by the dealer, is diminished.
This is why I stated that the commonality so much of us share,is the "buy and sell"(until we actually learn something)syndrome.
WELL,those fortunate enough to read,and maybe ponder some of the stuff discussed in forums like this one,can possibly save some time,and money,by thinking about the kinds of stuff "The Great Irigues" speaks to!!

How's that one!
