How to set SRA after determining true vertical?

Here is a picture of a stylus with zero rake angle:

Since all modern styli are symmetrical in the x and y plane about the verical z axis, the tapered stylus and its reflection will make a perfect "X" when vertical (z axis perpendicular to the groove) and viewed from the side.

This condition is established by raising or lowering the tonearm pivot post. Once you find this point, and assuming you have a typical 9" tonearm (about 230 mm from pivot to stylus) then each 4 mm you raise the post from the zero
SRA point will apply one degrewe of SRA to the stylus.

A test setup is shown in these two pics:

Equipment includes:

a mini Mag-Lite flashlite,
a first surface mirror from old SLR cameras -- easy to find at photo repair shop)
a 50X pocket microscope
bean bags

Don't forget to first remove antiskate and set VTF.

Andrew, I only mentioned the business about setting new carts' VTF at the high end of the range because it is necessary to do that in order to get the cantilever/coil assembly to "line up" squarely in the magnetic flux field (maximum output).

Later on, after about 100 hours of being compressed under record playing conditions, when the rubber suspension "limbers up", a somewhat lighter VTF will be sufficient to achieve that same proper mechanical alignment of the coils in the flux field.

Again, there is no magic involved here. In fact, as far as I'm concerned (here we go!!) the only criteria for the correct VTF setting is this alignment of coils in the magnetic flux. If you have that right, and the SRA and AS are on the nose, there should be no tracking problems (the most common reason for fiddling with the VTF).

If for some (other) reason your cartridge still won't track, look elsewhere, especially for possible compliance vs. eff. mass mismatch with the tonearm.
I will have another pre-amp by then and quite possibly another phono stage as well.
I don't know how well you liked ours, but if an Alaap interests you at all let me know. I'll put you in touch with Nick and - crucially - tell him you're an okay guy!

I'll bring more jazz next time so as not to put Paul off so much! :)
Nonsense! It'll do him good.

I do agree with SirSpeedy and his buddy Sid however. Nothing reveals what a system or component can (or cannot) do better than challenging classical. We didn't subject you guys to opera or large scale choral music, but they are the acid test. I have a few records that were comparatively unlistenable until Nick's components showed up. Our old c-j stuff just couldn't cope.

My Nashville crack was only that of course, and pretty d@mn funny if I may say so! Michael introduced us to 'Trio' by Dolly, Emmy Lou and Linda. We enjoy that LP so much it's never found its way into the record library upstairs. It lives in one of those I-may-want-to-play-you-again-soon baskets in the living room. There's a song on side one I still can't listen to without tears, since it reminds me of Lugnut.
Dan,you may have taken me a bit too literally.You like Jazz!So do I.If you would like to move a bit towards the Classical genre,start listening to some composers like some of John Zorn's film music(only available on digital,but superbly recorded),or Bernard Herrman's output.Jacob Druckman,Ernst Toch's chamber stuff,Gordon Jacobs,Frank Zappa's -Yellow Shark(CD,but who cares,it's great),any music by "Bang ON a Can"(CD),Ralph Shapey,Elliot Carter etc,etc.Go to a Barnes and Noble,and dial up the music on their computers,and welcome to a "New World"!That's what I love about the "flow of new music discovery".Sort of like discovering new foods.Loads of stuff out there,for the "explorer" of new aural worlds!

Chill out, Neil! We're having fun! You're right, of course. Sorry to car-jack your thread. I've bookmarked it for reference when my next table shows up. It's been almost 6 months. I think I getting hives!