Entry level phono stage


I'm looking for an entry level phono preamp for my new (used)Bryston B60. I currently have a Technics SL-1950 (70's) with a $80 grado. I plan on eventually upgrading my phono setup to entry level hi-fi.

I'm probably going to get something nwe or used in the $200 range. I've seen a couple of Creek obh-8's online in that price range. I know I can get a new NAD setup for that price. Also, any one know anything about the bellari rolls vp129, I'm drown to the tube and the look of it. :)

Thanks for any advise.
www.spearitsound.com have a few used, including Creek. I just bought a NAD PP1 from them. Said they were getting some PP2's anyday @ $129.
Best one you will ever find in a small box that is very very good comes from a relatively unknown Australian company named Redgum. My friend who is a vinyl maniac with a super custom Supratek is always shocked by how good it is. You can find them at an A-Gon dealer, Quest For Sound . No affiliation just a customer.
If you have a bit of electronics experience or if you do not mind the DIY thing, I would recommend Bottlehead’s Seduction phono amp. It easily beats the pants of anything I have heard this side of grand and retails for under $300. ($275?) In addition, you can upgrade it over time as your finances allow.

Recently I took mine over to another 'phile who had some very serious Krell gear, and he very impressed with the sound of the Seduction. Either that or he pretended to be! ;-)

The seduction was my second build ever and proved quite easy. Mine has been 100% reliable and I have been using it on and off for almost 5 years.

The phono is really a critical piece of gear when it comes to listening to vinyl so do not skimp on it.
