Bad experience with ZYX AIRY 3


The Airy 3 is very well rewiewed here in AUgon, in many other articles here and there on the web and seems to be much appreciated by a lot of audiophiles...
However did someone had himself a bad experience with this cartridge and for what reasons ?


I've had the copper and silver UNIverses side-by-side in my system. The silver was slightly slower/smoother on leading edges. It slightly rounded off initial transients. Some people find this sort of thing pleasant. I find it distracting. YMMV.

The copper is more neutral and has more lifelike microdynamics. It does not round off (or exaggerate) transient leading edges. Notes sound like what was cut in the grooves, neither more nor less.

I haven't heard a silver Airy 2 or 3 so I can't be certain this characteristic translates to those models, though I would expect it to. The Airy 2-X is already a somewhat gentle sounding cartridge. Gentling it more might really be too much. OTOH, the Airy 3-X is very free and powerful. Gentling it a touch could be helpful in some systems.

Whichever coils you choose, the SB option will yield a major improvement on a JMW. Strongly recommended.

Thanks Doug,I've talked to Mehran and he suggests the "S" just because, I believe ,I told him my preference for music is Jazz and older 70's rock.I haven't quite got to the point of appreciating classical,so I listen to it very little.I do prefer the "warmer" side of things so maybe the silver would be better,decisions decisions.Thanks very much for your response.Mike

Thank you for your answers .
The Zyx airy 3 seems to be a cartridge wich keeps its promises .

Must be patient...


Your preference for "warmer" certainly indicates the "S" over the "X".

For jazz the Airy 2-S would be good and the Airy 3-S would be very good.

For classic rock I would strongly recommend the Airy 3-S over the 2-S. If you can manage the few hundred extra dollars it will be worth it. It's a much more powerful cartridge.

Dear Chris, Tom and friends: Problems on ZYX?: soft at both extremes. Chris I think that I have a full range system: flat in room from 20 Hz to 30 kHz.

I really don't know the kind of resolution that have your ( each one )audio systems and that " resolution " is a very important subject to make any evaluation/comparison between different audio systems..We can take a look to the Chris ( Cmo ) system: it has the ML Prodigys that, in the best room and with the right electronics , could goes flat from 30/35 Hz to 22 kHz: here Chris can't " keep his eyes/ears " on the quality bass sound reproduction. He is using and external phonostage that needs additional cables and connectors for be linked to his preamp and that phonostage use additional stages through the SUTs for high gain output, the amplifier has a high output impedance of around 1 Ohm and this impedance preclude a flat frequency response due to the interaction with the electrical impedance of the Prodigys, all the Chris tube electronics are coupled through additional transformers and capacitors.

All these issues tell me that Chris can't hear the " soft sound " at the frequency extremes: too many " veils ", too many colorations and distortions, a lot of " equalization " to the original signal. But not only Chris is in this case: several other people " suffer " this " stage ".

The other factor that disturb to me is: against what reference do you all are doing your evaluation/comparison?:
this is what Tom post about the Universe:

+++++ " There is absolutely NO STRESS or edginess with this cartridge, and dynamics while very fast, are just a bit short of the mark ... " +++++

Tom, the live music has " STRESS and edginess ", no question about.
As you know and I posted several times my reference is always: LIVE MUSIC and this makes a great differences between what many of you evaluated in front what I evaluate about.

Cello: +++++ " The problem is that Raul shows up every time a ZYX thread appears and proceeds to post and bash the ZYX line... " +++++

Larry, I'm not bashing anything, the real problem is that with your audio system ( that I respect ) you can't hear what I'm telling about, that's all. Be happy.

Btw, the important point here is that you all are extremelly satisfied with ZYX cartridges and this subject is what matters for all of us: sustain in that " road " !!!!

Tom, tks on your offer on SUTs but I already have all the experiences about and that's why I don't use it.

Regards and enjoy the music.