Bad experience with ZYX AIRY 3


The Airy 3 is very well rewiewed here in AUgon, in many other articles here and there on the web and seems to be much appreciated by a lot of audiophiles...
However did someone had himself a bad experience with this cartridge and for what reasons ?


Unfortunately, I never got around to adding the extra mass to the headshell before I sold off the Fuji FS. Work kicked into extra high gear leaving no time at all for audio the last 6+ months. And my current tonearm, although superb sounding, made cartridge swaps and fine tuning a real chore for a newbie like myself.

Sadly, the last time I turned on my system, at all, had to be at least 3-4 months ago. Maybe more. So, I decided a ways back to slowly start selling off the extra components that I don't use. At that point I had - four carts, four amps, three sets of speakers, two turntables, cables, etc. That much stuff sitting around and never getting used is ridiculous.

I'm going to trim things down to one fulltime high-efficiency system that will pack the maximum emotional punch. I'm thinking of actually switching to a Lenco rebuild and selling off my Scheu tables and tonearm.

An occasional downsize is probably good for perspective and general appreciation. Though, I will be back to a ZYX sometime next year - probably one of the Airy's on a different tonearm.
The Lenco sounds like a great way to go. I have a friend who is quite happy with his Lenco paired with a Tri-Planar arm (he has both a UNIverse and a Dynavector XV1-S cartridges)and loves them both). He does give a slight edge to his Garrard 301 over his Lenco at this point.
Let us all know when you are back and running and which ZYX cartridge you end up getting.
All: I am running an Airy 2 low output copper coils with a Morch UP4 red armwand and The Cartridge Man Isolator Pad: The Cartridge Man Isolator works wonders by way of frequency extension and the added benefit of running a Nordost Tyr balanced cable into my Aqvox Phono- Pre cannot be overemphasized. The Isolator adds about 4 grms of mass and as Doug suggests makes a big difference
I suggest all try extra mass while breaking in cartridges. It makes a big difference.