Best phono pre amp for Lyra Helikon

I am at the stage where TT/tonearm/cartridge have been decided and almost procured and am ready to select Phono preamp. What is the best match for this cartridge? My main premap and Amps are Classe. Will the tubed phono would be desirable?

Few that I myself considering is Art Audio, EAR, Manley Steelhead or Tom evans Groove (These are also the ones that gets sold quickly here at Agon. May be that is one indication ;-)) But any advice would be welcome.

The TT/Tone Arm is La Luce by SPJ.

Thx in advance.
My Helikon works great with a BAT VKP10SE. Don't know your price range or exactly what type of sound your after. Assuming your classe amps and pre are balanced...this may yield a small improvment in performance.
If you're contemplating a Manley I wouldn't keep thinking about the EAR. Although good for the money, the EAR is no where near the same league as Manley or the P10SE that John mentioned. I'm not familiar with the other two you mentioned. It would help to know your budget.
Thanks John and Dan, As my cartridge and TT selection indicate, I am looking for realistic lively sound on neutral side. Yes my Classe pre and amp are balanced. I do have a phon board in my pre that I can use for a while. But I think a dedictaed phono pre is a must for great sound. My budget id desired around $2000, but if I can get a really good one for more I could stretch to ah may be double that. The key is I want to make a good match rather than just buy the most expensive one.