TT set up question

I was listening to a friends TT yesterday and it sounded really good, but on two LPs there was a crackling sound near the end of the LP. This sound did not occur earlier in the LP, and both of the LPs were new. What did he do wrong?
It wasn't end of the side distortion, if it were, I would have responded to the question. There was probably a couple of minutes left on each LP every time it happened. The sound was similar to an electrical discharge.

Doug, sorry for being too stupid to know that my idea was absurd! If only I knew as much as you...

Clio, that's some good advice, I will check it next time I'm there, or just pass the info along.
That's the last time I ever answer one of your threads. If you knew it was not end of side distortion why didn't you specify so in the original thread. You could be a little more gracious with people who have voluntarily tried to help you out.

Please relax. I didn't say you were stupid. I said that a theory you postulated was "absurd", ie, "unrelated to reality". That was a statement of logic concerning a hypothesis, not an insult. I could come up with much better insults than that, honest!

Why didn't I explain antiskating in a nice, friendly way? For very good reasons. It was kind of Clio09 to offer all that excellent information, but antiskating has little or nothing to do with your friend's problem. That problem is important and needs to be addressed without distraction.

Since you've twice refused to answer Seandtaylor99's very pertinent question and are uncomfortable with learning I doubt I can help very much. I will offer this: tell your friend to STOP playing valuable records on that rig. Those noises like "static discharge" indicate a high probability of permanent vinyl damage from every play.

This can be fixed, usually quite easily, but not by adjusting antiskating.

Good luck,
I did answer Seans question! I wasn't ignoring him becuase I did not appreciate his response. I did not think it was the issue, so I didn't respond. I had no idea people were so thin skinned. I had never heard of end of side distortion before he mentioned it, but as I pointed out it was not at the end of the side, IT WAS SEVERAL MINUTES BEFORE THE SIDE ENDED!

I am trying to help a friend, I cannot explain this anymore clearly than I already have! I don't know what's missing from my explaination.
The gist of Sean's question was whether this noise tended to occur during loud passages. (He actually wrote "load passages", which probably didn't help you interpret the question.) At any rate, you haven't answered this yet.

So, was this "static discharge" noise coincident with dynamic peaks in the music? Or did it also occur at random moments during quiet passages?

Think carefully about the answer, the diagnosis depends on it.