Pjl2122, thanks for the information. I own a pair of the Muratas and have used them with my old Beauhorns and present Acapellas. They do lend a realism to speakers that I recognized in the Grand Veenas. I also liked the simplicity of the crossovers in the GVs and expect that this is part of their success. In my opinion the Grand Veenas were one of three best speakers at the RMAF.
I thought the Feastrex 9 inchers ($30k +)in a temporary cabinet were more integrated and clean but did not have the bass of the GVs. I thought the LSA1s ($2500) imaged better, although this may have been their electronics and fell between the GVs and Feastrex 9" in integration.
I thought the Feastrex 9 inchers ($30k +)in a temporary cabinet were more integrated and clean but did not have the bass of the GVs. I thought the LSA1s ($2500) imaged better, although this may have been their electronics and fell between the GVs and Feastrex 9" in integration.