Which NYC Dealers REALLY know how to setup a TT?

I live in Manhattan. I want to purchase a new turntable, arm and cartridge.
I'm willing to spend up to $5,000, maybe $6,000 tops for everything.
From long nights of reading MANY post online here and elsewhere I feel that even more important than a particular brand etc., the dealer must really know how to setup a turntable properly. I'am all thumbs when it comes to this stuff and have accidentally trashed my share of cartridges over the years!
Therefore it is very important to me that a dealer really knows how to setup a turntable, arm and cartridge properly so I can get the most out of what I pay for.
Can people who have actual experience with NYC dealers please steer me in the right direction? Thank you.
The most successful NY dealers are the same as the most successful anything in NY:

their first and foremost area of expertise is MAKING MONEY.

I would, therefore, think you are much better off buying whatever you want, and finding an audiophile to help you, or contacting the manufacturer.

What kind of a turntable do you have in mind?

I havent adjusted VTA in years, but never dropped a cartridge in my life and would be happy to help.
From what I understand there are just a few real good set up men (women?) for TT and arms in this area. Nick at Audio Connection in Verona NJ is quite good. However, if you are considering one of the cottage TT, I understand from Thom at Gilibier that he is in the process of securing a set-up person who will do this (obviously for his TT). This is a good reason I am leaning toward the Gilibier! Thom, any comments?
I was leaning towards a VPI Super Scoutmaster but nothing is firm. My cartridge choice is going to be on the budget side for now (I'm thinking a Sumiko Blackbird) and later on upgrading to a more high-end cartridge.
However I also find the Teres, Gilibier, Redpoint turntables very interesting too. The redpoint however is beyond my budget starting at $8,000.00 without arm.
Rwd you mentioned that Thom at Gilibier is in the process of securing a set-up person for his TT's.
Is he going to be located in NYC or will he be traveling?
That could be a very important part of my decision!
Hi Quaxtro,
My understanding is that he lives in NYC. Will he travel? Could be??? Thom??? are you there??
As I said, this is just from a discussion I had with Thom recently.