Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences


I have read a lot of threads regarding the "superiortiy" of these tonearms in the right combinations of tables and catridges. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot said about the soncic characteristics of each brand and the differences between them. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses, sonci characteristics, applicability to various types of music (rock, pop, classical, large scale, small scale, etc).

Will a Schroeder deliver dynamics, punch, bass suited to Rock music? Will a Triplanar deliver natural, timbral accuracy? Are both these arms suited to the same music?

Thanks in advance,

Rwd, remember that I did not have the Reference. It was a Reference arm tube but had smaller magnets and had a simple unscrew and raise or lower VTA adjustment. I think this is the same for the DPS and Model 2.

I do not think the Schroeder wanders, but the Decca had to have the space between the magnets very carefully adjusted.

I think 180 and 200 gram records require raising the VTA on all arms, so yes, you have to change the VTA but once locked down , it stays.
RWD,I'm a bit surprised at you.You are in the same audio club as SID(you know who),who has just gotten rid of his wonderful Air Tangent.He replaced it(for practical reasons)with the latest VPI 12.6,and LOVES the new arm.You should know what a critical listener he is,and if there was a problem,he would have noticed it by now.Not to take anything away from the other "fabs" arms you mention,but where did you hear of the newest VPI 12.6 sounding lousy?This is news to me!Why don't you give Sid a call?Or Dave,who has been to Sid alot,lately,and helped with the new table/arm set-up.


Oh,btw--thanks Cello!!

The Ref's VTA/SRA adjustment is on the fly.

It is less convenient to use than a TriPlanar or JMW because it requires two small hex wrenches, one to loosen the set screw and one to turn the adjusting screw. No knobs.

It is less repeatable than a TriPlanar because there's no scale of any sort.

Once a Ref is set up it will stay set up, but that doesn't mean you can just "set and forget". The cartridges likely to be paired with these arms are remarkably responsive to small adjustments. To maintain optimum performance requires frequent fine-tuning of VTF. Adjustment of VTA/SRA for every record, or at least different thicknesses. This will be equally true with a Reference, a TriPlanar or any other top arm, depending on the preferences of the user of course.
Thanks to you all!

Hi Sirspeedy!!! Yes I should give the great Sid all call.
In recent investigations into a new TT and arm my sights were set on the new VPI HR-X which came along with the 12.6 arm. No one, in particular, said the arm or table was or is lousy" (my goodness I own the 10.5 and find it good.) However, some 'goners here purchased the HR-X BUT installed a different arm (Graham 2.2) rather then the 12.6 which comes with it. In addition some dealers have said there are better tables out there and, more emphatically, better arms then the VPI arm.
I have been reading, like you, the interesting and intriguing story of the great Schroder arm. Also with that arm, I have been following the fine Tri-Planer arm. Add those two to the new Graham Phantom and we now have a goggle (correct word?) of arms. Too bad I (we) can't compare all four (Schroder, Tri-Planer, Graham, VPI) together. That would make my life easy.

Since I am 100% vinyl I am looking for the last(?) table and arm (read best) around. Sirspeedy, maybe, for me, it is the VPI but I doubt it. I suspect the Schroder (Tri-Planer, Graham) may be better. Don't know but many out there think so. If so, this new arm should sit on a better TT then my Aries (original). Don't you agree???

So I will continue to look and search and hopefully fine the correct match. don't always go with the latest and expect it to be the best.
I recently purchased a new Aesthetix Calypso Per-amp to replace my ARC LS25 MK1 and go with me Rhea phono amp. Boy, am I surprised!!! The ARC is giving the Calypso a run (really) for it's money!!!!! So, new (or what's in now) is not always the best!!

P.S. Aren't you also in the same club as Sid and David??

Doug....your comments are always so helpful and insightful. Thanks also to you Tbg.
Rwd, if you are ever in NYC go by an hear the Shindo Labs/Garrard 301 set up. My guess is that you would buy it.