Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences


I have read a lot of threads regarding the "superiortiy" of these tonearms in the right combinations of tables and catridges. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot said about the soncic characteristics of each brand and the differences between them. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses, sonci characteristics, applicability to various types of music (rock, pop, classical, large scale, small scale, etc).

Will a Schroeder deliver dynamics, punch, bass suited to Rock music? Will a Triplanar deliver natural, timbral accuracy? Are both these arms suited to the same music?

Thanks in advance,

Rwd, if you are ever in NYC go by an hear the Shindo Labs/Garrard 301 set up. My guess is that you would buy it.
Hi Thg...I live in NYC! Where is the Shindo/Garrard 301 set up? you mean the Garrard of many moons ago??
Rwd,I am quite friendly with both of them,but belong to no clubs.As to the question of what's better,I really can't answer about any products I have not owned,and compared.Yet,you know a thing or two about what's good,so you will make a good decision.
As to the pre issue--You would be SHOCKED with how much farther,in design and performance,someone like Steve Huntly,of Great Norther Sound,can take an Audio Research unit.He literally rebuilt my SP-15(I counted at least 60 new parts),though expensive,it was much cheaper than the "buy and sell" syndrome,and I can honestly say it is of superb quality,in phono and linestages.I had previously owned the venerable SP-10,and SP-11,and it is NOT close.Actually,I think it may now be the finest component in my system.Check out their website.

Check out, Rwd. I think you will have to send an email to get an invitation.

Yes, it is a heavily modified Garrard 301 with equally modified Ortofon arm and cartridge.

I will be auditioning some Shindo pre-amps in a few weeks, also will have a chance to listen to the Shindo 301. I will post my impressions of the system and what I may hear from the Shindo 301.
It is a table that perhaps is best as a whole, but you may systematically build up to the full Shindo 301 piece by piece. If you find a nice Garrard 301 then buy the plinth and arm, then modified Shindo cart, then spindle bearing and platter and mat.

Here is a review:

Call Jonathan at Tone Imports for more info.
