How to Manage Rhea "Noise"

I have noticed excessive noise from my Rhea. The balanced out is noisier than the RCA out. Gain greater than 56db makes the noise completely unacceptable/clearly heard from my "sweet seat." This prevents use of ultra low output moving coils. Any suggestions. By the way my old PH-3 was dead quite. Go figure.
I hate to say this. sell the rhea and get a phono stage that is not noisy.
LOMC's with the rhea produces tube noise. I have had the rhea in my system twice 3 years apart and both times I had tube noise.
BTW do you still have the high output benz. you should get no noise with that.
Your seashore analogy brings something to mind. Early on I had a sound which I describe as wind passing through a microphone. I'm not sure if that simulates your sound. I called Jim White and after diagnosing the problem, unfortunately it had to go back. Is the problem in one channel or both. Mine was in one channel since after swapping all the tubes from one channel to the other, the problem did not travel. The unit went back and it turned out to be a cold solder joint. Jim fixed the problem and, in fact, upgraded the power supply. After it came back, I replaced the tubes with Telefunkens and Siemens. I wouldn't describe the unit as dead quiet, but it is certainly no longer a distraction. What the unit brings in terms of palpability and realism more than makes up for a little bit of tube rush. Don't give up on this unit. It remains the cornerstone of my system and perhaps the last component I would care to part with.
Stew maybe correct. The Rhea's gain stages are all tube so it is not going to be as quiet as a J-FET. Just to give a point of reference, I have to get my ear within a foot of the speakers at moderate volume to hear any tube rush. So if you're hearing more than this there could very well be something unusual about the unit you have or some other condition involved. Again, I've used my Rhea with a low output 103R and a MO Benz Glider and never had a problem with noise.