Rhea Noise

Anyone have experience managing/reducing noise with the Rhea Phono Stage. The noise becomes audible from the "Sweet Seat" with gain settings above 50db. This is slightly reduced when listening from the RCA out instaed of balanced. This noise would eliminate me using ultra low output moving coils. I read many posts before getting this phono stage but I don't recall reading any about noise.
Mr. Doug Deacon your point is well taken. We live, we learn, and we grow.......but the following may give you some idea of my propensity or lack there of for change in this hobby:
Pre Amp 12 yrs
Phono 4 yrs
CD 12 yrs although I did add a DAC
Monoblocks 5 yrs
Turntable 12 yrs
Spkr cable 17 yrs
Spkrs 5 yrs
Sub 16 yrs
Power Cond 8 yrs
No audiophilia nervosa here! Glad to see someone enjoying their system and the music, instead of changing gear faster than I change socks. ;-)
Dear everyone including Raul, I am so sorry. I had no idea how old that post was, until I actually looked at the date as a result of Doug's comment.