All unipivot arms are pushed to their limits of stability with low compliance cartridges
Rubbish. That sweeping statement is simply not true. I have never ever had any stability issues with any properly set up unipivot in more than a decade that I have used unipvots.
I wouln't recommend the use of something like a Koetsu, DL103R, or Shelter in most unipivot arms(although there are a few exceptions), especially any light weight unipivot arms.
Since the carts you mention are low compliance carts, it would be rather dumb to use them on a lightweight arm, unipivot or not.
I have used all the carts you mention (Koetsu Rosewood, Shelter 501 and DL103) on a Morch UP4 (blue dot arm wand 14 grams) and 12 inch Scheu Classic II (also 14 grams) with great results. I tried the same carts (on same table) on a modified R250 and it compared badly to the Morch and Scheu.
Matching is critical, and proper matching goes beyond simple mass/resonance calcs.
It goes way beyond that and includes the choice of turntable and the stand/isolation employed..
And again I feel the need to emphasize that I have no motive to prefer one arm over another other than for purposes of sound quality. I do not sell arms (or promote tweaks) for any audio equipment.
Rubbish. That sweeping statement is simply not true. I have never ever had any stability issues with any properly set up unipivot in more than a decade that I have used unipvots.
I wouln't recommend the use of something like a Koetsu, DL103R, or Shelter in most unipivot arms(although there are a few exceptions), especially any light weight unipivot arms.
Since the carts you mention are low compliance carts, it would be rather dumb to use them on a lightweight arm, unipivot or not.
I have used all the carts you mention (Koetsu Rosewood, Shelter 501 and DL103) on a Morch UP4 (blue dot arm wand 14 grams) and 12 inch Scheu Classic II (also 14 grams) with great results. I tried the same carts (on same table) on a modified R250 and it compared badly to the Morch and Scheu.
Matching is critical, and proper matching goes beyond simple mass/resonance calcs.
It goes way beyond that and includes the choice of turntable and the stand/isolation employed..
And again I feel the need to emphasize that I have no motive to prefer one arm over another other than for purposes of sound quality. I do not sell arms (or promote tweaks) for any audio equipment.