How To Store Record Collection?

Currently storing vinyl collection (1,700 albums) on Metro metal wire shelves. Looking for recommendations for bookcases, shelving systems, cubes, etc. Particularly interested if anyone has tried the Cubitec modular system? Trying to decide whether to go with off the shelf furniture or have built-in units constructed.

I've read that albums weight approximately 40lbs. per linear foot. Does anyone know if this is accurate?

An interesting link to how vinyl records are made - RTI
I'm about to order some LP storage units from this fellow:

They are beautifully made from hardwoods, and very reasonably priced at $35 - $45 per module depending on the wood (includes shipping). I've talked with him on the phone, and he can do little things like making the base unit taller so I don't have to wreck my back getting records from the bottom shelf ;~))
I am very happy with the racks from Music Direct. They have two styles, the one in the picture, and the Cherry wood with black supports, which what I have. (I like both styles, but my wife really wanted the cherry, as it went with the decor better. I don't mind, as long as I get my racks! They are expandable too, so if you collection keeps growing, so can they!)

Music Direct LP Racks

They are not only very aesthetically pleasing (i.e. high WAF!), but they go togather quickly, easily and work great.
(They have the back stop to keep your records lined up nicely too!)

My two cents worth anyway.
I have used Per Madsen's record racks for years with excellent results and out standing customer service from him. Check them out at:
Ikea Effektiv storage modules work great for us. Effektiv is a modular system you can build as high and wide as your space allows. It's more expensive than Bonde or Expedit, but the modularity makes it adaptable to difficult spaces.