Adding damping fluid to Audioquest PT arms ????


I am wondering about adding damping fluid to my Audioquest arm, mine is the PT6 model.

First I'm wondering what fluid/oil to buy and where for a fair price ?

Second how do you get it in and out of the little brass bowl without making a mess ?

Thirdly, do you have to remove the fluid eveytime you move the table, I'm talking within the house, such as off my rack, and on to a table to work on for instance.

Forth, do you have to readjust tracking force or other settings if you use the damping ? I read you can adjust the amount of damping by how tight you screw the oil welll cover on ? Is there a correct damping amount ? I will be using a Clearaudio Aurum Beta MkII cartridge.

Thanks in advance for any help,

I'm not familiar with that arm, but I can answer your first question:

I own one of these arms( PT7). The manual said to just put a small amount in . You can tranport the turntable + not worry about spilling the silicon as long as you dont overfill or turn it completely over .You empty the silicone by using a cloth to wipe it all out . probally has the fluid .

By the way the Expressimo Heavy Weight counter weight available at the elusive makes a big improvement to this arm ( think bass ). But it is $120.00 .
ALL of the above applies to the PT 6 , 7 + 8 models only .
I am not familiar with other models .
