Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks
Larry,I could not be definitive that an upgrade to an Orpheus would be comparatively priced,as the Temper to Temper-V,which was two years ago,for me.I'd like for you to PLEASE post your thoughts,regarding comparisons with the Temper,once you've gotten the new cart. broken in.Also,perhaps you may "now" have some thoughts as to the new Orpheus,in general.
I have tried to get some info on this cart. but my particular dealer is out of the loop,as he claims it's too new.Though I did see the info on a website,but would love to know how much I'd have to spring for,should it really trump the Tranny-v!

P.S.--Raul,if you're reading this,and have some clout with Jan Allaerts -:)I would seriously consider trading my Tranny-v for the Formula One,possibly the "Finish"too! -:)Since I'm quite idiosyncatic as to what "floats my boat",those are about the only two cartridges that currently appeal enough to me,for me to move to,"ear unheard"(that expression doesn't quite have the same ring as "sight unseen")!Well,I would go for an Olympos or Koetsu Coral,as a friend has both(the bastard)and I trust his sensibilities.

I'll be very happy to, especially after I think it's broken in enough. I'll get it tomorrow and will install it over the weekend. It is more expensive. Stay tuned.
Larry,if you fail to post,I(we)will track you down,and do something really terrible!Like, break your cantilever!!

And shake me down for the wine I might owe you too, I suppose! I do want to take about a week, two at the most.
Speedy, the Orpheus is available for $2500 from the same discount source as I gave you for the Temper V/W. Also, it has a significantly (IMO) lower compliance than the Tempers (13 vs. 15). It has a higher output than the Temper V with a slightly lower internal resistance. To me, that means a stronger magnet and fewer (or fatter) coil wires.