Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks
Hey guys.

I'm one of those Klipsch Forum fanatics and I own Klipschorns (1976), Cornwalls (1980 - original owner), and I recently sold my '72 Heresys. Those are just the ones worth mentioning. Most of the folks on the forum with multiple pairs use them in a HT environment, but many have 2 or more 2-channel systems like myself.

I heard Larry's Orpheus Monday when it was still breaking in and all I can say is WOW! I own the Temper "W" and have been listening to Larry's "V" for a couple years now (which is why I now own a similiar Basis/Vector/Temper combo).

Even with just a few hours of break-in, the Orpheus sounded fantastic as Larry described. I don't know what I can add that he didn't already cover. What suprised me the most was the improvement in the bass. It really tightened up and it digs as low as I've ever heard on his system. The mids and highs were amazing as expected.

If Larry decides to give you guys a demo, you'll probably see my arse parked on one of his living room chairs!

BTW - I've never heard a system that does classical music better than Larry's.
Larry,I was not hinting at you needing to mod,or go to a super tweet.Just asking if you were familiar with it.A friend had mentioned that he knew of two horn based set-ups that added the Townshend,and it greatly helped.Not that it is a necessity,in a rig like yours.Sorry,if you felt I was insinuating a mod in a system I've not heard.I don't do stuff like that.

BTW,Steve Huntley completely re-built my pre/phono(Audio Research SP-15)and it is definitely world class.Cost me big bucks to do,but really worth it!

I've already laid the groundwork for one of my audio "best friends",who now owns a Temper-v,to upgrade to the Orpheus in early fall.God I'm so cruelly cunning sometimes,but when it comes to "things audio" I can't control myself!


Oops, I didn't think you were "insinuating." I do think I see bandwagons at times. Like a recent tweeter replacement for the K-horn/La Scala/Belle K-77 tweeters, which most liked but I and a very few others tried and thought didn't musically blend with the rest of the speaker. Most thought it was a big improvement, over Beyma tweeters (a previous favorite) as well as the K-77 for example, and which also has been thought to be better than the K-77.

In the mid-range, one forum member has developed a Tracterix mid-horn he calls the Trachorn, and which again many on the forum think is a better mid horn (the standard mid driver apparently passes muster). Based on my tweeter experience, I tend to suspect that such items developed outside the historic and current Klipsch factory and research center may have more clarity but also may have less thorough working-out and musicality than I think is traditionally Klipsch. I don't know, of course, but that's my real answer -- and I gotta be shown otherwise.

Yep, Steve is really outstanding, has great judgement IMO and really tells it like it is.

I'm on the lookout for further changes in the Orpheus sound. I expect the highs broadly speaking will smooth down further, though they certainly aren't bad now, and perhaps detail will become finer -- I'll try to assess and let you know.

Congrats on your son's fortunate and hard-working success. I take it he's entering a residency (specialty training after medical school)? Good for him and you --

Larry,I seem to get the impression that the older(circa 1962,like yours)Klipshorns are the most desireable.Is this so,and why?Just my curiosity.Surely they must be great.
Also,if you've been following the analog threads for the last year and a half you will have noticed some superb correspondence regarding some of the finest "small transducers" around.NOT speakers,but cartridges,which can have a HUGE impact on an already high resolution system!
Sorry ZYX UNIV folks(you know who you are) -:)
There may be a new kid on the block,in the Orpheus,and due to my financial equity in the Temper,I simply have to find an excuse to love the Orpheus!!
What say YE, O' exalted UNIV crowd? -:)

Larry,thanks for the complimentary reference to my wonderful son.Sadly,he is given to trying,STILL,to get a rise out of his mom,so he's leaning on work with infectious disease!!Why can't he just be a dermatologist,or something like that,I say!He won't have any of it!

Actually, K-horns were made to exactly the same dimensions over their 55 (so far) year life, and the major evolution of the drivers and horns seems to have stabilized by the later '60's, so that the real differences seem to have become (1) the successive crossover models and (2) the tendency of Xover capacitors to deteriorate as they age. Any crossover over 20 yrs. old needs to have its caps "freshened" i.e., replaced, and I have heard one rather bad-sounding pair that needed it (sounded great afterward). There are a number of folks on the forum who either make a newer design of xovers, or keep the design the same but replace the caps and maybe a few other things. So I wouldn't expect even a 70's, let alone a 60's K-horn to sound up to snuff without that being done.

And, from what I've seen on the forum, it's very rare for a 60's vintage to show up without scratches, water marks, peeled-off veneer, grill cloth in shreds, and the like. Mine are in very fortunate shape.

No, I am actually not familiar with analog threads -- do you mean on Audiogon? I'm not even sure how to get there. But, this has been a very civilized, knowledge-ridden experience, and I'm grateful. Anyway, I have ALWAYS believed that the sound sources are critical, and none more so than cartridge transducers. So far, I think the Orpheus is in a very high class -- higher than any other I've heard, anyway.

Yeah, yeah, father thought that dentistry was ideal, so I know your son's feelings about that so-so prestige/regular-hours bit!

I'll try to find the Audiogon analog forums --

Many thanks,