Is Direct Drive Really Better?

I've been reading and hearing more and more about the superiority of direct drive because it drives the platter rather than dragging it along by belt. It actually makes some sense if you think about cars. Belt drives rely on momentum from a heavy platter to cruise through tight spots. Direct drive actually powers the platter. Opinions?
Gosh and we thought that digital wasn't as good as analogue! Why digital even manages to 'create' the same speed problems as vinyl LP turntables, as jitter!
Bob P.
Dan_ed, We have an early prototype now and hope to have a better version in time for the open house.

Jejune, Not even close to the 1200. The Teres DD table will be flagship offering. It's both difficult and expensive to do DD right.
Is there a paper anywhere that has measured the effects of stylus drag on a turntable with a massive platter ? It seems almost infeasible that a 2gram tracking stylus would have any perceptible effect on 10+lbs of spinning platter.
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