"...in the TT subject and from the objective approach it is a fact that we can only 'work' with the 'numbers' that are on hand: there are no others!"There could be others, they're just not taken or not published. But I presume there's no technical reason, beyond a lack of will or resources, why turntable reviews couldn't include detailed measurements of speed distortions, noise, and resonant behavior that take into account spectra and duration, not just simple amplitude, as well as frequency and transient response/distortion at the output.
The status quo however is that turntable reviews (and cartridge and tonearm reviews) include no measured test results whatsoever. This is unfortunate, because I believe there can be a salutory effect on the product marketplace stemming from public accountability for technical performance claims and the availability of comparison data. It might be interesting if Teres would be willing to share with us some idea of what kinds of measurements are taken as part of a manufacturer's design and testing process that aren't normally published for consumer consumption.