Oracle Delphi vs. ??? fill in the blank.

I really like the look of the delphi, a friend once had one that obviously left an impression on me. But i'm not convinced that it is the right table to get.
I am running a Kenwood "rock" cultured marble/granite plinth table now and dierly want to upgrade.
the rest of my system is I had a Levinson 28 (wife made me sell it... spells divorce for some. ha!) and am looking for one again a or better model 280s perhaps?, and still presently have two counterpoint sa-20 power amps going into a pair of Dynaudio Twynn MTM towers with custom heavy dampening and Solen heptalitz-wire inductors and fast metalized poly capsx-overs and monster internal cables, also a Teac VRDS 6030s tape deck. Synergistic Inouye line conditioner
I even made my own stand from aluminum and 3/4" granite shelves all spiked individually i would show you a pic but i am traveling and don't have one handy. the thing weighs 450pounds! thats without equipment on it!!
blah.blah.blah anyway the reason why i'm here is,
Please help! Any other tables to look at that compare to the oracle? or should I just buy the damb thing! looking $2000-3000 range.
i use an old mk 2 version with a graham phantom and an 80th anniversary koetsu fed through tom evans electronics into
gnp valkyrie speakers
the sound is spectacular
i dare say there are better designs out there but the point is with careful component matching and setup most decent
turntables can be optomised to punch well above their weight
good luck
uk tel
My Oracle Table looks great and sounds great. But, like most suspended designs (maybe more than most suspended designs) it requires periodic attention to perform well. OTOH, the Acoustic Signature mentioned by Raul is about as bulletproof as any mechanical device I've seen. Even the bearing is maintenance free.

Depending on your inclination to tend to your 'table's needs, this worth considering before you buy an Oracle.
The Oracle is a timeless "CLASSIC"!I am really amazed as to how it does not, still, get the well deserved attention,it deserves!It sounds superb,and will last a long time.The fact that it looks good should be no hinderance.BTW...I happens to have better bass performance than what competitive designers/owners will let on!
I couldn't agree more with Sirspeedy - a classic, undervalued performer indeed.
For reasons I can't remember now, my main table was out of commission so I happened across a MK1 very cheaply that needed the suspension reconditioned. Oracles customer service could not have been better, especially considering I am in Japan - they dealt directly, avoiding the know nothing greedy distributor here. At the same time I had a friends Micro Seiki SV555 I was setting up. That table is their second biggest plinth mounted table, air bearing with suction platter.
My friend had said I could keep his Micro until I got my main table back. IMHO the Oracle killed it with musicality and air - I was more than happy to give the Micro back and clear the space it occupied.
So, I have a major soft spot for the Oracle and if I were on a tighter budget that is a table I could very happily live with.
As for the bum rap suspended tables seem to get over bass performance - I couldn't really agree providing the time and attention is given to tuning the suspension.
Hope that helps and good luck with your choice.
Hi to all
Recently I bought a used Oracle mk2 from another Audiogoner,also bought a mint Rega RB 1000 to go with.I am still building my analog rig and need phono and cartridge.In your opinion what is a good phono match for this combo?Also recommendations for a good cartridge.