Thank you all for your responses, very much appreciated...especially the circuits-for-dummys type site.
Raul - I have no "problem" with the cart, just a desire to try more loading values. Of the four available on the phono boards the 400ohm is certainly the best for me, and things are sounding the best they ever have, although a touch (and I do mean just a touch) on the dull side at times. I thought bumping up the load might put me in absolute nirvana.
Raul - I have no "problem" with the cart, just a desire to try more loading values. Of the four available on the phono boards the 400ohm is certainly the best for me, and things are sounding the best they ever have, although a touch (and I do mean just a touch) on the dull side at times. I thought bumping up the load might put me in absolute nirvana.