What will beat ear 834p by a margin

I may be barking up the wrong tree. I was considering going for the GSP AUDIO ERA GOLD, or PASS XONO, OR ACOUSTECH PH-1P, OR AESTHTIX RHEA, or WHEST P20, or K and K kit, or SUTHERLAND PH.D. But I am wondering if this is a worthwhile expense? I am getting the impression that what I have is perty darn good! I can't look at the boulder or aesthetix for obvious reasons ($), so what is there that will beat the ear 834p by a big enough margin to justify the added expense? I am guessing that these may be better but which one stands out? My top choices were: GSP but EAR834P topped it, RHEA but heard its noisy, EAR 324 but heard it lacks bass headroom, PASS XONO but not quietest, WHEST but lacks micro-detail, SUTHERLAND PH.D not dynamic, EVANS GROOVE, AUDIO RESEARCH PH5, BAT VKP10, HAGERMAN TRUMPET, ART AUDIO, CARY 302, etc. Other than manley steelhead what would be considered 2nd best after boulder 2008 and aesthetix io signature. I am guessing maybe EVANS, CARY, BAT VKP10SE, AESTHETIX non signature, PASS XONO, K and K, AUDIO RESEARCH PH5 or REFERENCE, HAGERMAN TRUMPET, ASR BASIS, AYRE, CONRAD JOHNSON 15, LINN LINTO, CLEARAUDIO, HERRON VTPH1, ARTEMIS, ROWLAND CADENCE or do I stick with EAR834P. . And can the IO be upgraded from non to signature, and the BAT VK P10 to an se. And is the K and K really that good, is it much better than an EAR834P?

DON"T JUMP!!!!!!

Good grief man, I think you just listed every phono stage ever made. Sit down, take a deep breath, relax, you are going to be OK.

First of all, quit reading so many reviews. Secondly, you are at the point now, as others have stated, that things become very system and personal preference dependent. You are going to have to figure out a way to audition some of these in your system. Probably the only way to do this is to buy one you are interested in on the used market. Compare it to what you have and sell the one that comes in second. Buy another used one, repeat. Be patient and buy for a good price that you can re-sell without taking a loss. It will take some time to work your way through the maze but that is half the fun.
stick with what you have, there are lots of good phono pre's....yours included.......it is extremely neutral.
Hey guys you are great, especially since you understand what I'm after. Again I agree with what everyone is saying especially that it's about synergy and taste, and that I'll know for sure after I have the phono preamp in my system. But what I was hoping to hear is that there is one preamp or two that approach the excellence of aesthetix or even boulder and cost a fraction, wishful thinking, no. Well I own the sim p-5 pre and w-5 power amp, and I 'm bringing my vpi tnt to hr-x level with a 12.5 arm. The speakers are merlin and the cartridge is up for grabs. So are there any suggestions as to which phono stage would mate well to this set up? Music by the way is: classical, jazz, opera, vocal and rock. thanks again
I've owned the fully modified (Mitch) 834P and Rhea. I did not think the Rhea was noisier than the 834P. In comparison, the 834P isn't really all that quiet. The Rhea was more dynamic across the frequency range. Much more bass extension. However, I think the 834P was more even in the presentation of the frenquency range it does support. The mid-market Aesthetix gear tends to push out, or emphasize the mid-range which can work very well depending on what music you listen to and the rest of your system. I could be wrong, but I don't think battery powered pre and phono stages will be fast enough to respond to really dynamic passages. Maybe with enough capacitive storage.

I would venture to guess that the K&K is better than the 834P (even modified), but it is just a educated guess based on Kevin's work. The only way your will ever answer your questions for yourself is to get some of these into your system.