Capacitors in line with TT motor - Upgrade?

I am doing some major upgrades to a 25 year old BSR turntable, such as going to a MC cartridge, rewiring the tonearm with Cardas wire, adding mass to the platter, replacing the flimsy plastic base with a massive (40 LB) plastic block, removing the motor from the sub-chassis mount and attaching it instead to the massive base, etc. When I pulled the motor out, I noticed it had two capacitors in circuit with it, a 5000pF ceramic, and a 1.5 uF cap made of hard white epoxy-looking material (not sure what type it is). Would it be a good idea to replace these with new caps? Would upgrading the quality make any difference to the motor's performance? Any help is appreciated.

You state that you increased the capacitance, I'm just curious why. I was intending to just replace the cap with a better one of the same value, is there a benefit to increasing the capacitance, and if so, what is the benefit?
Ait: Now you're getting in over my head, I didn't engineer the upgraded power supply that I added to my TT, I just bought it and did the listening tests. I guess I owe Undertow an apology, as much as his actual words seemed off the mark, it's true he was writing in answer to your question about improving capacitor *quality* alone, not quantity, and though it's not inconceivable that this could have some effect as well, in that context I can see why he'd make the remark about the cap not being in the (electrical) signal path. Yours is a question for those with expertise I don't have.
OK, let me rephrase. Is your motor DC or AC? Mine is AC synchronous, and as such uses the 60 Hz frequency of the AC from the wall to regulate the speed. I don't really have a power supply per se, just the power cord and the caps. I think that if I change the value of the caps, I will change the speed.
My table is a Technics SL-1200, quartz-PLL servo speed-controlled with a low-rpm DC motor, so the comparison isn't exactly straightforward. The capacitors in yours could be there simply for powerline filtration.