So...What do you listen to in your car?

I was thinking about this during my drive into Dallas this morning. I just acquired a half-dozen or so new releases on digital - some of which are challenging and really need several listens before drawing a conclusion about them.

Although I wish I owned them on vinyl, I wonder if I'd have given those challenging releases the chance to show their greatness if I owned them on another medium (practically and logistically I can't listen to my analog setup as much as I'd like). Hence, my commutes give me a listen to "get hooked" on a new release (or, a new release to me).

Most of the time (80%), I'm a talk radio junkie. But the rest of the time (20%) it's stuff I have on CD. Never FM or satellite radio.
Jazz and alternative rock on a fairly tricked out system (for a geezer)! After a recent cd/pre-amp replacement for my car, I had a chuckle over the thought that the currently available gear, with digital control for every parameter, would certainly be the undoing of some of our audiophile brethren! Talk about audiophile nervosa! A tweakers delight/nightmare? Myself; I have the shop install it then leave it alone....mostly :-)
I drive a tow truck, I don't know if my car radio still works I'm in the truck so much. Talk radio mostly...Rush, Hannity, Beck, a mixed up CD that I burned..