Pscialli don't be tempted to spend any more on your Linn. None of the (expensive) upgrades suggested are good value and they will yield only incremental improvements. Accept that your table is a flawed design that has one redeeming feature - its lucid, dynamic mid range.
No matter what mods you do to a Linn you will still have a cheap motor boouncing around on springs driving the platter by a rubber band. It's impossible to get good speed stability with that technology.
To approach the quality of your digital source you really need a massy unsuspended turntable driven by a mylar belt or a direct drive motor.
No matter what mods you do to a Linn you will still have a cheap motor boouncing around on springs driving the platter by a rubber band. It's impossible to get good speed stability with that technology.
To approach the quality of your digital source you really need a massy unsuspended turntable driven by a mylar belt or a direct drive motor.