I looked at the VPI before buying the equipment I listed in the post above. It's a very good table and a fine value. As near as I could tell from auditioning (variables make it next to impossible to reach definitive conclusions), the VPI probably comes down on the warmer side of neutral. Build quality and customer support are going to be hard to beat at the price point.
For me, the issue came down to the unipivot design of the JMW. I use (or have used) both a Graham 2.2 unipivot and a JMW in my main system and find the unipivot designs more demanding in care, handling and partnering gear (table/cartridge). For my application, I decided to stick with captured bearings and was most comfortable with the modified/modifiable RB 300 in this price range and chose the tables accordingly.
For me, the issue came down to the unipivot design of the JMW. I use (or have used) both a Graham 2.2 unipivot and a JMW in my main system and find the unipivot designs more demanding in care, handling and partnering gear (table/cartridge). For my application, I decided to stick with captured bearings and was most comfortable with the modified/modifiable RB 300 in this price range and chose the tables accordingly.