SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?

I'm in the process of acquiring an SME 20/2 and I would like to know others' thoughts and experiences with deciding whether to arm it with the SME V or the Triplanar VII.
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I have not heard the SME V / UNIverse combination, but I have heard the Tri-Planar / UNIverse on my Teres table and it is a wonderful match and not lacking anything in dynamics, leading edge attack, detail, as well as tuneful,/focused bass.
I don't see how you could go wrong with either the Dynavector/Tri-Planar or Dynavector/ UNIverse (copper version with SB weight), but again, I would clearly prefer the UNIverse.
Guys, what can I say? I truly am learning from each post!

Like any good story, some twists near the end elevate the story.

I have lusted after the SME 20/2 for the past 2 years, but had despaired of ever getting one since the price of a new one was not acceptable in my budget range. Recently, I was nearing a decision to order a Galibier Gavia when an almost new 20/2 became available at an acceptable price and I bought it.

I am scheduled to audition a Galibier Gavia with a Triplanar/Zyx Universe/Dynavector XV1S later this month. My reasoning is that if I get the Triplanar or the Phantom and the Universe or XV1S, I will have a reference to help me decide whether to keep the 20/2 or sell it and order the Galibier. If I told this part of the story to anyone other than other audiophiles, they might want to have me committed.

Does this twist change things for any of you?

Thanks for your patience.

Tim summarized the synergy topic nicely and Flyingred provided some excellent details. (See, no flames!)

Give us details and a name and address. We'll all post letters to Rowland, inquiring about power supply upgrades. Maybe that will get them moving! We were without a playable rig for 5 months and Dan_Ed has been without one even longer. It ain't fun.

Hearing different gear is VERY helpful. Chatting like this can be, but nothing substitutes for carefully considered listening experiences. Your insane plan makes perfect sense to me.
Ed, it changes everything! I checked out the SME (plus many others) and was not convinced before beating a path to Colorado and the Gavia is significantly the best turntable I heard at its price point.

The SME is a fine table (for some) however the outstanding feature of the Galibier is that you will never find yourself saying "It ruthlessly reveals bad recordings" - it has the ability to make even the most mundane cuts sound enchanting. The SMEs can sound a bit leaden-footed on genres other than classical.