SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?

I'm in the process of acquiring an SME 20/2 and I would like to know others' thoughts and experiences with deciding whether to arm it with the SME V or the Triplanar VII.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
Thom, thanks for advice on loading. Nick has told me he has found 75 ohms to work well with the XV1s and the Universe, so this fits right in to what you've found with the Dynavector.

Ed, you're in very good hands with Thom!


Yes, I'm very comfortable with Thom, as well as with the theory and execution of his TTs. I can hardly wait to hear one!

Thanks, Raul, for explaining static and dynamic balancing with the SME V -- whether or not it makes a discernable sonic difference -- it is always good to know one's options.

Gladstone,though I can see what is coming,realize these are only my own thoughts,and observations.I make my "thoughts/feelings" based on what is my own intuitive observations,and being involved in the hobby for a few decades.Nothing more!Sometimes certain observations are made using common sense,which I admit to having little of!!
Specifically the Gaia looks overpriced!Period!And I bet it is!Yet I would love to own one,and admit it.The Grand Prix seems a bit pricey at twenty grand too,and it's only my opinion,on a hobbyist website.As to the Galibier Gavia,it seems beautifully composed,in design and manufacture,and seems to be supported by a "caring" and knowledgeable designer,who seems to be marketing a "fairly priced" product( based on what I can ascertain from studying the specifications of said product,and looking at competitors)as is my SOTA COSMOS(rediculously underpriced too boot).Please let me know if I have gone astray,and I appologize in advance,if so!
BTW,anything Cello states should not be taken as accurate,in his observations!! -:)
Please allow me to explain,and see if any of you would not agree......
Cello has a fine set-up,defined by good "common sense" choices in componentry.No problemo,so far. -:)
He seems to have a dedicated extra set of hands/ears in his audio pal(Pat),who is well meaning,yet has not(due to similar localization) noticed the serious problem. -:)
Which is...Though a fine set-up(nightly cleaning crew taken into account),the location of said system is a major problem,for serious audio observation! -:)
Allow further analysis,and explanation(please)...Room considerations are just fine,actually(had ya going,there),yet it is the "VIEWING AREA",outside of the listening room which spells "no way I can concentrate" on musical accuracy!! -:)
It is here where I can aid the folks,who will gain(rare)entry to this interesting system.WEAR SUNGLASS!!Really dark ones!!.....
Because....Unlike my own fellow NY/NJ fellow hobbyist "schleps",including me,Cello has the MAJOR DISTRACTION(it affected me,but I never let on...heh,heh)of having a room "with a view", literally"!!
My problem,and yours will be too,was the fact that this audio room overlooked a BEAUTIFUL WATERWAY!!Which(here was MY problem,for listening and concentrating)abounded with "pleasure crafts".......These pleasure crafts more than occassionally had LOVELY LASSES,in ITZY BITZY BIKINIS being pulled by long ropes.....
Really long ropes!....I think you call this WATER SKIING!...Oye,vey!!

NOW,how many of the folks sporting these analog threads believe they can fairly asses a set-up,which is "set-up" as such?
Scantily clad "babes" and Accurate musical observation don't mix!! -:)
Who disagrees with my logic?
SirSpeedy--I haven't heard the Grand Prix, so I was simply curious as to what prompted you to comment on it negatively. I've been intrigued by the table myself. In any case, I appreciate the response.