Knowing how the darn "O" sounds,hearing it on many ocassions,now,what's you're problem('s)?Fremer got the gist of it(sound),"dead on",and I'm not a big fan of his.Look at his "now spinning" list.Mostly rock.Not easy to cozy up to,if you are a classical/jazz lover,who lives for detail,and stage presentation,with nice subtlties thrown in.Like myself,and some of my actual "real" friends.
If you techno geeks(not specific to anyone,pleeeeease!!)want to get to the heart of loading,etc,just look back on the later posts by Bc3!!He got it right,too,and I believe my original comparisons hold up well.
Neil,you have all your answers already,so what's the problemo?The Tempers,as I indicated awhile ago,are not in the league of the "O".That's actually good news.I don't want to spend the money,either,but MUST,as of the last few listening sessions.
Just don't put yourself in a position of disagreeable posting,even if well intended,and targeting anyone who may be SO self absorbed that you will get a nasty(as in cowardly/babyish)E-mail.One that gets read by all of your employees and wife,first,who ALL get a bit spooked,as they have been pre-conditioned by the media as to the number of "overly emotional nuts" who dwell there!You're better off just listening to your wonderful system.Doubled up CLS's or not!
If you techno geeks(not specific to anyone,pleeeeease!!)want to get to the heart of loading,etc,just look back on the later posts by Bc3!!He got it right,too,and I believe my original comparisons hold up well.
Neil,you have all your answers already,so what's the problemo?The Tempers,as I indicated awhile ago,are not in the league of the "O".That's actually good news.I don't want to spend the money,either,but MUST,as of the last few listening sessions.
Just don't put yourself in a position of disagreeable posting,even if well intended,and targeting anyone who may be SO self absorbed that you will get a nasty(as in cowardly/babyish)E-mail.One that gets read by all of your employees and wife,first,who ALL get a bit spooked,as they have been pre-conditioned by the media as to the number of "overly emotional nuts" who dwell there!You're better off just listening to your wonderful system.Doubled up CLS's or not!