Need a list of TT with arms and motors seperate

I've been thinking of upgrading sometime in the future from my VPI SuperScout Master. I thought to my self that if I ever do it has t be a TT with their motor and arm completely seperate from the plinth. Any suggestion out there?? One that comes to mind is the RED POINT.
There aren't many tables out there where the arm is on an arm "base" or "armpod" which is COMPLETELY separated from the plinth.

If you are willing to accept a "half-way there" solution to what you are looking for, like the Teres where the armboard is attached to an extension of the plinth, then you might also consider Galibier, MicroSeiki ( the larger ones - 1500, 3000, 5000, and 8000 series), or any number of other tables with similar set-up (Platine Verdier, EuroLabs, Simon Yorke, top-end Sota, Acoustic Signature). This is not to say that any of the above tables are only "halfway there" solutions to a high-end analog system, just that they only meet half the criteria you set. Come to think of it, of the ones I mentioned, the closest to separate arm base might be the Verdier.

If you are willing to experiment or DIY a bit, you could probably build a separate armbase where the extension could be brought close enough to the table, in which case a tall-and-thin plinth might suit (Teres, Verdier, MicroSeiki, Galibier, etc). If you went a bit further, you might be able to DIY your way into what you want through a project using Teres or Origin Live parts.

I, for one, look forward to reading others' suggestions to your search.
So I guess the solution is to get a TT with little to no bearing noise? Which ones are they?

Verdier Platine has no bearing noise since it doesn't have a conventional thrust bearing. A magnetic thrust bearing is silent.
If you are looking for low bearing noise, check out Harry Pearson's review of the new EAR turntable.I believe it is in the August issue. Magnetic bearing - completely silent. Harry was quite impressed.
Others include
Platine Verdier
TW Acustic Raven

I have a Platine with DC Battery PSU from GT Audio in the UK.

A previous response hasn't made it yet (or so it seems for the moment).

After some consideration, I was going to add what Dan_ed said about the armpods coupling with the platform so why bother. But he did so I won't :^)

The "easy" answer to the question of low bearing noise TTs would be TTs without a "physical" bearing. That might include the Platine Verdier and air-bearing tables (Forsell Air, Micro Seiki SX-5000 and SX-8000 and I am sure there are others). Others might be able to give you more qualified expertise as regards TTs with "physical" bearings.